Thursday, July 17, 2014

Living on love

          It just seems that everywhere I turn lately death and pain are scattered throughout. However, just as often as I see the struggle I also see courage and inspiration. I have overcome my own losses and struggles and although they feel so unbearable at times, I know that we all have struggles and we all know pain. I think it's important for us all to stop giving up so easily on the things we desire and stop giving up on each other. Each moment of each day really does make a difference in your life. Those moments add up to memories that can truly last your whole lifetime. Lean on those you love and trust and allow them to bring you up. Stop trying with the people that continuously hurt you and drain you- You don't need that negativity. Have FUN! (Rest Easy- D.S., H.F. 2014)

                                   Laugh. Cry. Try. Hope. Ask. Give. Love. Thank.